TID Water & Power Podcast
There’s a lot more involved with delivering power than turning on a light switch. And the water that flows through the canals throughout the Turlock Irrigation District service area, where does that come from? Each month the TID Water & Power Podcast sits down with industry experts and TID employees to discuss fascinating facts and important issues that shape the operations of your community-owned utility. Let’s get social! Facebook: @TurlockID Instagram: @TurlockID Twitter: @TurlockID LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/turlockid Find out more about TID at www.TID.org.
TID Water & Power Podcast
On Episode 39 of the TID Water & Power Podcast we're joined by TID Line Supervisor, Duarte Xavier, to discuss TID's lineworkers.
When you think of TID, your first thought may be a bucket truck driving down the road or a lineman climbing a pole to restore power. But, even with that visual, you may not really understand what our lineman do. Day or night, rain or shine, soaring heat or freezing temperatures, TID lineworkers put in the work to maintain and improve our system and respond when outages happen to ensure TID can provide reliable electric service.
On this episode we discuss the various roles within the Line Department and how our lineworkers respond when the power goes out.
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Find out more about TID at https://www.TID.org/podcast.